Sunday 13 March 2011



I remember when I was younger and first saw the footage of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon uttering those famous words, and big deal really. For me it was a little late, being born in the 80's and doing most of my growing up in the 90's by the time I saw that footage, I'd already seen Star Wars and Independence Day. The special effects in those films (at the time) were equal to the footage of Armstrong and co. So the real enormity and significance of this acheivement was really lost on me, as I'm sure it is on many others of todays youth.
It was not until much much later in life I realised just how amazing and ridiculously difficult this task was, to put it into perspective, imagine if I told you to spin around in a circle and then throw a pin into a small balloon which was orbiting around you...thats (on a basic level) what they did when they landed on the moon. To date only 24 men have ever walked on the moon before the Apollo missions were cancelled. I always did wonder why we never went back to the moon, when technology was better, when it would be cheaper...why didn't we? The hard part was all the calculations that needed to be done, and the design of the craft and equipment. The foundations were there...and we just...left it.

My name is Sergei Stevens, I am an American test pilot for secret military aircraft, I have flown some of the most advanced aircraft ever designed, I have high commendations from my superiors for all my work and have never lost a craft....not once, this is a story which I thought I should share. Maybe you will like it...maybe you wont.

I step in the shower and the water is insanely hot, even on the lowest heat setting, like showering in acid heated to lava like temperatures. The shower is well earned after flying a recent test mission for a new stealth fighter plane, the flight was arduous and there were problems which almost cost me my plane...almost. A shower, some food and some sleep thats what I need, I'm fucking exhausted. Mental fatigue is probably worse than physical fatigue. I hear the door open and the voice of my C.O asking me to get dressed and wait outside his office. Great. Looks like I'm not getting that rest anytime soon.
I shower and dress in my uniform being careful to make sure that its neat and tidy, my reputation here is not maintained just by my flight skills but by my conduct on the ground too. I then go to my CO office and knock, after a couple of seconds delay he asks me to come in. He sits behind a plain looking desk with a file in his hand.
"Sit down," Colonel Cawkwell advises. I sit. I notice that behind me in the corner is a man I vaguely recognise but cant quite place him, he is dressed very sharply in an expensive suit. "Sergei," he continues "This is Nevada James," he motions to the man in the chair and all of a sudden his face fits.
"Of James Experimental Technologies. Pleased to meet you sir." I reply. The colonel stands and walks to the door handing me the file on his way out. "Excuse me sir, but, you wanted to see me?"
" I never said I wanted to see you." With that he exits the room and and Mr. James replaces him in the seat.
"Sergei Stevens..." he pauses and opens a file from the desk, my file."You've had a very distinguished career Captain."
"Thankyou sir." I reply in standard military form.
"You can call me Nevada, I'm not military so we can be a bit more...casual." he pauses again studying the file. "You've never lost a plane, that right Captain?"
"Yes si...yes thats right." I reply careful to correct my formality.
"You're exactly what we are looking for, you have extensive flight time in a number of airborne craft both atmospheric and sub orbital. All done with a perfect record." another pause and he closes the file. "What did you think when you first saw the images and footage of the Apollo 11 mission?"
"Well in truth, I didnt think it was a big deal when I first saw it, I was a child of imagination and going to the moon didnt seem too big an accomplishment when placed next to Return of the Jedi." I reply. Mr. James laughs at my response.
"What do you think about it now?" he quizzes.
"Now, I think its possibly the single greatest acheivement that mankind has ever produced. Now when I watch it, I'm inspired and moved by it." I reply with genuine sincerity.
"You dont think it was a hoax?" his question seems like its goal is to irritate me, it does a little but I dont show it.
"With all due respect...I'm not stupid." My reply is simple but conveys my feeling. "If you dont mind me asking, whats all this about?" I have relaxed into an easy less formal speech pattern now, he is easy company, but I suppose thats the job of a billionaire industrialist.
"Open the file." Just as I'm about to he continues "But...first answer a question."
"Okay, shoot."
"Some opportunities come at a price, the price for this silence. What you read you will not be able to discuss with anyone on earth except 4 designated people, if you cannot stick to this, then dont open the file."
I pause considering his warning, then open the file. Inside is what looks like a mission statement entitled 'Pegasus.' "This is an opportunity to do something truly great with your life and career, your chance to inspire people. To remind people that mankind is not just capable of destruction and greed, but is capable of greatness too." I carry on reading the file, its one sheet with no details, just a simple goal.
'Mission : Pegasus
Objective: To successfully send a manned space craft to the moon and land safely'
"Ummm I'm...not sure I understand?" I'm confused, or more accurately, stunned.
"Its simple, exactly what it says in the file." He replies.
"But moon landings were cancelled, the Apollo program was ceased before Apollo 18 ever left the ground. And Project Constellation was removed from the NASA budget by the President. There are no moon landing plans." I advise.
"That...the...public...knows of. The Outer Space treaty states that no one country, person, corporation, or government can claim the moon or outer space as their own and is free to be explored by all of mankind."
"I'm still not quite following you."
"I understand its a lot to take in. The reason it was cut was the same reason that everything on this planet Which fortunately is something I have in abundance. Some people buy yachts or private jets, Richard Branson in England even started his own sub-orbital flights program. Me, I want to do something bigger, something more exciting, something meaningful. My assets and holdings are currently worth two hundred and thirty billion dollars, and climbing everyday. It seems logical to me that I use this to do something."
"So you've started a company with the goal of going to the moon." My brain finally begins to absorb information.
"Not quite...I bought NASA." This is a truly astonishing revelation, especially considering there is nothing reported about this anywhere.
"You bought NASA?" I ask reaching for breath.
"Well more accurately I am the sole benefactor of NASA now, the President still has final authority over projects but he is largely unconcerned with NASA for the time being. Our first mission is to the moon."
"I have two questions." I ask.
"Go right ahead."
"Firstly what do you want from me? test pilot? and secondly...why go to the moon? I thought that the government had said it would be unneccesary as there is little more that can be learned from the moon?" I press.
"Well firstly we dont want you for a test pilot, we want you to be commander and pilot of the mission..." he pauses to watch my response, I'm sure that I cannot hide my excitement and suprise. "Secondly, I already said, the government cut the Apollo and Constellation projects because of money, head of NASA Joseph Sateman and myself share the belief that we can achieve something important on the moon."
"Which is?"
"Provide a gateway for future space travel. We intend to build a moon space port, codenamed: Xen14. We consider this an important piece of our future. Presently space travel is difficult and expensive due to the fact we are always launching from earths atmosphere and gravitational pull, on the moon those things dont exist and building a spaceport there will mean launches to other planets will be much much easier and cheaper. We intend to land and build in the north polar region, which was NASA's next site landing destination before their programs got cancelled. I know that this is a lot of information and its a lot to take in. You are the right man for this job and I will need you to report to this facility tomorrow morning at 7 a.m." I stop and consider his words.
"What about my career here?" I ask.
"After you leave here today, you will never have existed, not just here, but anywhere in the world. You're only existence after today can be confirmed by 4 people, one is the President, another is me and the final two will be your flight crew. You will not be able to tell anyone who you are except those four people. You will only be able to discuss what you are doing with designated members of NASA. Is all this clear?"
"Good, I want you to understand, you cant tell anybody. Even the FBI, NSA and CIA will have no knowledge of your existence."
"I understand." I reply as he stands up and leaves the office.
"Tomorrow morning. 7 am. late." he says sternly and closes the door.

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